How to create exit-intent popup

This is the last post in the series and probably the most important part to learn how to create exit-intent popup that get you leads.

Every exit-intent overlay has one goal – capture the attention of the visitor and then convert him.

It is astonishing what combination of certain words which encourage your prospect to take a certain action can do to your conversion rate.

So far we covered:

  1. How Design is the King
  2. Why to Focus on the Message
  3. How to Target the Right People

& the forth rule for effective exit-intent popups is all about CTA!

4th Rule: Call to Action

Every exit-intent popup has to include some sort of Call-to-Action.

It is not there just so the visitor knows where to click – it’s there to make him do it. Remember to give visitor a choice. You don’t want to close him in a box without visible close button and tortured by flashing CTA button. Show confidence, that your offer is good and worth his time.

With that in mind, you should underline an urgency of his decision. If not, he might just decide to think about it a bit more, which most of the time will cost you a customer.

What it takes to create the perfect CTA

Good CTA button will mainly tell the user what to do next and what will he gain by pressing it. It has to be confined and actionable statement.

How to create exit-intent popup

Why it works? What could you do better?
  • Clean design
  • Identifying graphic elements, making it part of the website
  • CTA button associating clicking with the benefit
  • Underline urgency
  • Put more focus on the offer, avoid long question form of header

How to make exit-intent popup

Why it works? What could you do better?
  • Intriguing, transparent design
  • Focus on the offer
  • Make the CTA button be an action, not expression of feeling

How to create exit-intent popup

Why it works? What could you do better?
  • Clean design with logo
  • Focus on the offer
  • Incentivised CTA button with choice
  • Adapt and use

How to create exit-intent popup

Why it works? What could you do better?
  • Clean and simple design
  • Visible CTA button with choice on the 1st step
  • Limit number of steps which can discourage customer (first step offers free trial, second only promises to check if you qualify)
  • Underline urgency and/or incentivise the offer clearly

How to create exit-intent popup

Why it works? What could you do better?
  • Eye-catching design, matching the website
  • Use of the special occasion
  • Make the CTA button an actual button, otherwise it’s not visible or attracting attention

The simplest things can be of crucial importance. Thus, MaxTraffic platform offers online creator, with templates and rich customization options, so you can realize your ideas and see the results immediately.

And we are always there to help you or advice when you need us.

Now you know how to create exit-intent popup

Crafting the perfect exit-intent popup that converts well ain’t no walk in the park. But with the help of MaxTraffic it gets a lot easier.

To refresh what we covered here is a quick summary:

  1. Part-1: How to Design Exit-Intent Popup That Works – Design is The King

    • Examples of great exit-intent popup designs and how to design popup that brings back the leads.
  2. Part-2: How to Craft Exit-Intent Popup That Works – Focus on the Message

    • Analysis of great exit-intent messages and how they can help to get your story across.
  3. Part-3: How to Make Exit-Intent Popup That Works – Target the Right People

    • In this post we describe how to target the right people with MaxTraffic system.

We hope that now you know how to create exit-intent popup that will bring the bouncers back.

You are ready – go get them.

In case you missed the previous parts and want to save your time, our free eBook awaits you – 20 Exit-Examples and 4 Rules to Make Them Work.

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