API offers two things every marketer dreams of – communication personalization and automation. With the latest system update, we are happy to share that MaxTraffic now supports API integration for push notifications. And here is what you need to know about it!

What is Push Notification API?

API, or application programming interface, is a set of functions that govern how one application talks to another and mold their best features together. 

API integration for push notifications enables connecting subscribers to your user database and automating the process of sending messages to them.

Why is API important?

First of all, API helps to simplify difficult and quite often time-consuming tasks into much easier processes. It usually means that a lot of manual work gets automated. Which marketer wouldn’t like that?

Push Notification API also give marketers a better chance to create a personal connection with a customer which is especially important for customer experience with a brand. Also, delivering highly personalized messages help to cut through the information overload. 

How does it work?

In order to start using API, you have to segment users in your own system by their behavioral patterns. What API does, is connects those users from your system to user IDs of push subscribers. Once it’s done the system can request to send a message to the specific userIDs to present personalized message.

You can send personalized Browser Push Notifications via API to either one or several of your users. Not only that, you have an option to add parameter “campaign” for each of your notifications. For example, if you send notifications about shopping carts and ask users to finish their purchase, you can set the campaign to “Cart Abandonment Reminder”. Or, if you test out the same message but with a discount code, set a new campaign parameter -“Cart Abandonment Discount” and so on.

Finally, when you log in to your account, you can carefully follow the statistics about notifications sent via API, and also filter data by the campaign. That way you can test out different messages and measure results in real-time.

How to use API to send personalized push notifications?

There are 3 steps MaxTraffic clients need to take in order to start sending personalized API push notifications.

1. Pass data about your USER ID to MaxTraffic tracking code with our Javascript API.

Doing this connects our server to the unique IDs of your subscribers. It also is the easiest way to allow the website to use their own IDs when sending the messages. 

Detailed information how to pass your data to MaxTraffic tracking code can be found here.

2. Get your API token 

Every client is assigned a unique API token that works as an authentication mechanism.  For this reason, should keep your API token private. Sharing it with others might result in others delivering their messages to your subscribers.

To get your unique API token, please log in to your account, then select Push Notifications > Settings > API.


3. Get subscriber status, send notifications with REST API

At the moment, MaxTraffic REST API supports the following features:

  • check if a specific user has subscribed to notifications;
  • send a personalized notification to 1 or more users by specifying their userIDs.
  • coming soon – custom segments.

To learn more how to implement these features head here. And if you have any questions – get in touch!


Push Notification API uses – 8 simple examples

Now that you are familiar with the technical part, let’s take a look at possible push notification API uses.

Push notification API for eCommerce


Let’s say you own an online zoo store. If your client has purchased a dog food, the chances are he will be in a need of it again in a few months time. Well, that’s your chance to remind him about your goods.


Your online beauty store is running a special promotion for loyal customers of a certain brand. Reach out to only those customers who have purchased goods of that particular brand.

Push notification API for finance


Let’s assume one of the services you offer is insurance. It is likely your customer has purchased a car insurance which is about to expire. Show that you care about him and his safety.


Your client took a loan on your fast loans website. Remind him about upcoming payment deadlines.

Push notification API for travel


Your customer has booked a flight and it’s coming up. It’s a great chance to cross-sell different products or services for him that would also make his upcoming trip easier.


You have a hotel somewhere in the French Alps that also has different skiing and snowboarding gear for rent. Suggest your guests place gear reservations before their arrival.

Push notification API for publishing


You own a news portal. Set automated push notifications about newly posted “breaking news” articles and make sure all of your subscribers are notified.


Your social news aggregation or community board website requires users to register in order to be part of the community. New users follow topics or discussions of their interest.

To keep your users constantly engaged, send them automated messages about new posts or comments made on the categories/topics they follow.

That is it for this time!

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