With so much competition on the Internet, you’ve got to reach out to the customers to nurture your relationship with them. Leads are in demand, and most of the time they know it. You’re not the only seller in your business that’s…
Which is Best: Trendy and Appealing or Boring and Well Optimized Web Design

One of the most important things you need to know about web design is that there are two major components, which tower with their importance above everything else. And these are appeal and functionality. According to one statistic, human mind registers…
11 Simple And Surprisingly Effective Ways to Reduce Cart Abandonment

Window shoppers toss items into their carts and then abandon them for many different reasons. If you are not taking this matter seriously, chances are you are missing out on a potential revenue increase. To take this situation into your…
Is Your Bounce Rate High and What You Should Do About it

A high bounce rate usually indicates that there might be something wrong with your website or communication strategy. You either aren’t attracting the right site visitor or the visitors coming don’t find what they are looking for. But is your bounce rate actually…
5 Most Common Reasons Why Your Website Conversion Rate is Low

The primary goal of most websites is to convert incoming visitors into customers. Chances are your marketing efforts are successfully bringing new traffic to your site. But do you see an increase in a number of qualified leads? If no,…